Recently, I had an experience at work where someone found
out for the first time that I was involved as an adult leader in our local Cub
Scout program.
The person was shocked and said, “Is scouting even relevant? All I hear on the news is that scouting
For my answer, I could have quoted national scouting enrollment
numbers, the amount of community service done by scouts across the country,
discussed political and religious opinions, etc., but I really didn’t think
that answered the question.
Sadly, the number of scouts has decreased over time, even
though there are still millions of scouts in this country. In my opinion, it has nothing to do with the
issues being discussed nationally about allowing gays and lesbians to
participate in scouting. Those are
issues for the political groups within and outside of the Boy Scouts of America
(BSA) national office to debate and argue.
Scouting is not done by bureaucrats.
I have yet to see one on any campout or scouting activity for my group. Scouting is done by parents at the local
level. If BSA changed its stance tonight
on having openly gay/lesbian leaders or gay young men as scouts, do I think it
will spur a massive movement of scouting enrollment? No.
Some will openly proclaim they are gay scouts or leaders, maybe a few new
members will join, some will even leave, but you will not see a massive change in the total number of
scouts in this country. I don’t believe
these items answer the question of “relevancy” for scouting. They are political topics that tend to
dominate the news rather than stressing all of the wonderful things that scouts
everywhere are doing as part of their scouting programs.
In reality, there are too many distractions and other
activities that pull away a young man’s time and interest away from scouting. There are year round sports programs/sports camps,
video games, and as a society, we are much “busier” than ever before. Despite all of these things, I think the
biggest issue is that there are too many children who do not have active
parents in their lives. I’ve seen more
young men leave scouting because they didn’t have a parent who would bring them
to meetings, take them camping, or support them in completing activities for their
rank advancement. Scouting is a family
activity, and its success completely depends on active parents who are willing
to spend time with their child and place them in programs that help them
develop into good young men. Scouting
instills character development, citizenship training, personal fitness and more,
but it all starts with parental involvement.
Well back to the original question, and my answer.
“Is scouting even relevant? ”
A scout is
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. These
are timeless values that will never lose their relevance. These were the values that were taught to me
as a young man and the values I live by as an adult. The bureaucrats and politicians in BSA will argue
and make changes to scouting policies over time. Whatever they do or don’t do will never
change those timeless values that form the backbone of Boy Scouts. These things need to be stressed and taught
to young men everywhere. Too many non-scouting programs and activities focus on
competition rather than character development and citizenship. The biggest issue isn’t the relevance of
scouting, it’s the priority of scouting.
We need more parents to be involved with their children and help
put programs like this as a higher priority in their child’s life.
I understand that not every person is going to agree with my
thoughts on this issue. The good news is
that we live in a free nation where we can respectfully have differences in
opinion. Some out there feel that scouting is no longer
relevant , and that BSA is an organization that is stuck in a time that has
passed. I’m one that recognizes that
there are national issues and local issues with scouting. This occurs with virtually every national organization
or business chain. We shouldn’t confuse
the two. Scouting is driven at the local
level. It is the parents and volunteers
of these programs that are making a difference in helping young men develop into
good citizens. Each week, I get to see how scouting impacts
our community locally. We have raised
thousands of pounds of food for the homeless, picked up trash in the parks and
highways, visited nursing homes, and sorted clothes at the local care center. I simply can’t believe that raising young men
to be this type of citizen is a bad thing or something that is no longer
relevant to society. The world needs
more scouts in their communities. The
world needs more young men who are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the father of scouting, was quoted
as saying, “When a boy finds someone who takes an interest in him, he responds
and follows.” Parents need to take that
interest, and when they do, we see the question of relevance go away as
scouting again becomes a priority in a boy’s life.
Great post, Jody! As a scout parent, I believe that scouting is more relevant and needed than ever! Too many of our youth are not receiving the leadership, mentoring, and moral and ethical training and support from strong Christian role models that is so critical to developing good men and women and responsible, informed citizens to sustain our society.